When creating a template that will be distributed free later, of course the creator injected a credit link / footer link in the custom template. This is done to get a backlink from the template user who is interested in the template, created by the template designer / devloper.
But sometimes this hope must be dashed and in vain if the template falls to unscrupulous free template users who like to remove credit links from a template created by someone else who downloaded it.
Instead of wanting to get a backlink, the template made by the template designer / developer is claimed by others and as if it were his template.
Well, to overcome this, there is a way that should be applied by the template designer / developer, if later you still want to create a new template again and share it for free. Namely using JavaScript that serves to redirect the link credit template. That is, if the free template user modifies the link credit with his own version, then the link will be redirected to as usual, the alias will not change at all. For the interested in implementing this method, follow the following steps.
Copy the following code, and place it before </body>.
For example your template footer html code as below.
Change the link and title above with your blog's link and title. If so, save the template and see the results.
There are a few tips if your blogspot template results are still selling well in others, by asking the interested person to send an email or write an email in the comments column who interested in your template. That way you can find out who is using your template, and who has intentionally changed the credit link.
But sometimes this hope must be dashed and in vain if the template falls to unscrupulous free template users who like to remove credit links from a template created by someone else who downloaded it.
Instead of wanting to get a backlink, the template made by the template designer / developer is claimed by others and as if it were his template.
Well, to overcome this, there is a way that should be applied by the template designer / developer, if later you still want to create a new template again and share it for free. Namely using JavaScript that serves to redirect the link credit template. That is, if the free template user modifies the link credit with his own version, then the link will be redirected to as usual, the alias will not change at all. For the interested in implementing this method, follow the following steps.
Copy the following code, and place it before </body>.
<script type='text/javascript'>
//< {
setInterval(function() {
if (!$("#merocredit:visible")["length"]) {
window["location"]["href"] = "https://merobloggingtips.com";
}, 3e3);
window["onload"] = function() {
var merocredit = document["getElementById"]("merocredit");
merocredit["setAttribute"]("href", "https://merobloggingtips.com");
merocredit["setAttribute"]("rel", "dofollow");
merocredit["setAttribute"]("title", "merobloggingtips.com");
merocredit["setAttribute"]("style", "display: inline-block!important; font-size: inherit!important; color: #71d54c!important; visibility: visible!important;z-index:99!important; opacity: 1!important;");
merocredit["innerHTML"] = "merobloggingtips.com";
For example your template footer html code as below.
Copyright © <script type='text/javascript'>var creditsyear = new Date();document.write(creditsyear.getFullYear());</script> | <a class='sitename' expr:href='data:blog.homepageUrl' expr:title='data:blog.title'><data:blog.title/></a>
| Designed by <a href='https://www.merobloggingtips.com' id='merocredit' rel='dofollow' title='merobloggingtips'>merobloggingtips</a>.
Change the link and title above with your blog's link and title. If so, save the template and see the results.
There are a few tips if your blogspot template results are still selling well in others, by asking the interested person to send an email or write an email in the comments column who interested in your template. That way you can find out who is using your template, and who has intentionally changed the credit link.